Minato - 2011-04-18 20:42:25

Hello in The First Tournament.
How you can see its new and (i hope) new official forum about NWU. Let we see.. Ach ! The First Tournament !
It's easy: you can play with your friend. If you want have fun and good mates (not pubs) post your roster ! I give you a chance to play a "good ih".
The registration will be made following the application:

Name of Team: Name.
Captain: Nick from w3.
Member 1: Nick.
Member 2: Nick.
Member 3: Nick.
Member 4: Nick.
Member 5: Nick.

Today is: 18.04.2011. I give you 7 days for registration.

~Polish.Minato !!

www.polishsupermanager.pun.pl www.footballmanager.pun.pl www.tsttuningskuterteam.pun.pl www.theo2.pun.pl www.mrocznewieki.pun.pl